
Call on your General Election candidates to end Drax and Lynemouth power stations’ tree burning.

The General Election on 4th July 2024 is a crucial moment to call on parliamentary candidates to end subsidies for Drax, the UK’s largest carbon emitter and largest tree burner. Burning wood in power stations increases global warming for decades to centuries, with Drax emitting over 11 million tonnes of CO2 last year. The UK Government has announced proposals to use energy bills to fund tree burning at power stations like Drax in Yorkshire and Lynemouth in Northumberland. If granted, these subsidies would not lower energy bills but allow Drax to continue burning trees at taxpayers’ expense, costing up to £2.5 billion a year.

For the sake of our planet, we need as many people as possible to speak out and tell their parliamentary candidates to support an end to Drax’s tree burning, environmental injustice, harm to wildlife and climate-wrecking emissions. You can see a list of candiadtes that have already signed the pledge here.

Please write to your General Election candidates asking them to pledge to support an end to subsidies for burning trees in UK power stations. You can use the form below or click the button to go to our action network page.

If you are thinking of going to, or organising a hustings event, we have written a guide for you here, United for People Climate and Nature have created a map of local climate and nature hustings happening around the UK, and Hope for the Future have also developed a great guide to having a effective conversation with your prospective candidates here. If you wanted to share something with your candidate here is a 1 page briefing and a election pledge for you candidates to sign here.

Join the movement by clicking the link to urge your General Election candidates to end Drax & Lynemouth power stations’ tree burning. Together, we can make a difference. #GE2024 #StopBurningTrees… Click To Tweet